ride hell for feather

英 美
  • 拼命地骑
  • feather n.羽毛;翎毛;种类vt.用羽毛装饰vi.长出羽毛
  • for prep.为;因为;代表;往;支持;关于;给conj.因为
  • hell n.地狱;阴间;苦境;极大的痛苦n.究竟(用以加强语气)int.该死(用以表示愤怒或惊讶)
  • ride v.骑;乘n.交通工具;骑;乘车;搭便车
    1. You can hire a bicycle from the bus station and ride around Guilin very safely.
    2. After Billy proved that he could ride a bicycle safely,his father gave in to him and bought him one.